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Beyond Baroque Literary Foundation

Memorial gathering on March 26, 2023

Ojai Retreat and boat excursion in Ventura Harbor 

Memorial gathering followed by the spreading of Doug's ashes at sea on April 2, 2023
Three Rooms Press

A Dada Tribute to Doug Knott


"Vanishing Point 1" by Doug Knott. Read by Phil Taggart. Produced by the Ventura County Poetry Project.

Poet's Cafe on KPFK

Michael Arabian interview and reading of "The Aware Wolves" by Doug Knott
(commences at 10:23)

"Mail Art" by
Neal Taylor & S.A. Griffin
Doug Knott Commemorative Stamps

Doug Knott Commemorative Stamp


A Tribute from
Liza Knott Martin

Evergreen Cemetery, St. Augustine

Evergreen Cemetery
St Augustine, FL
November 25, 2023
James Douglas Knott ashes interred with “Dutsi” of His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Ceremony performed by Edward Crum, Liza Knott Martin, and Janet Sager Knott.

Red Fabric

"Bob Dylan once commented that perhaps all he had done was nothing more than an instance of gallantry, but he was quick to add, “that’s no small thing.” Indeed, a lingering gallantry is the quality Doug strived for as a poet and actor, and if he brought a jaunty cabaret confidence to his title role as court jester to the fantasy of family genealogy, it was only in service to that virtue, which can’t redeem the unavoidable losses in life, but which gives them a poignancy worthy of their invocation."

From "The Cabaret Confidence of Doug Knott, (Ensemble) Poet and (Singular) Actor" by Bill Mohr, August 30, 2023

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